Produkt zum Begriff Network:
IPSec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals
An introduction to designing and configuring Cisco IPsec VPNs Understand the basics of the IPsec protocol and learn implementation best practices Study up-to-date IPsec design, incorporating current Cisco innovations in the security and VPN marketplace Learn how to avoid common pitfalls related to IPsec deployment Reinforce theory with case studies, configuration examples showing how IPsec maps to real-world solutions IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals provides a basic working knowledge of IPsec on various Cisco routing and switching platforms. It provides the foundation necessary to understand the different components of Cisco IPsec implementation and how it can be successfully implemented in a variety of network topologies and markets (service provider, enterprise, financial, government). This book views IPsec as an emerging requirement in most major vertical markets, explaining the need for increased information authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation for secure transmission of confidential data. The book is written using a layered approach, starting with basic explanations of why IPsec was developed and the types of organizations relying on IPsec to secure data transmissions. It then outlines the basic IPsec/ISAKMP fundamentals that were developed to meet demand for secure data transmission. The book covers the design and implementation of IPsec VPN architectures using an array of Cisco products, starting with basic concepts and proceeding to more advanced topics including high availability solutions and public key infrastructure (PKI). Sample topology diagrams and configuration examples are provided in each chapter to reinforce the fundamentals expressed in text and to assist readers in translating concepts into practical deployment scenarios. Additionally, comprehensive case studies are incorporated throughout to map topics to real-world solutions.
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Investigating the Cyber Breach: The Digital Forensics Guide for the Network Engineer
Investigating the Cyber Breach The Digital Forensics Guide for the Network Engineer · Understand the realities of cybercrime and today’s attacks · Build a digital forensics lab to test tools and methods, and gain expertise · Take the right actions as soon as you discover a breach · Determine the full scope of an investigation and the role you’ll play · Properly collect, document, and preserve evidence and data · Collect and analyze data from PCs, Macs, IoT devices, and other endpoints · Use packet logs, NetFlow, and scanning to build timelines, understand network activity, and collect evidence · Analyze iOS and Android devices, and understand encryption-related obstacles to investigation · Investigate and trace email, and identify fraud or abuse · Use social media to investigate individuals or online identities · Gather, extract, and analyze breach data with Cisco tools and techniques · Walk through common breaches and responses from start to finish · Choose the right tool for each task, and explore alternatives that might also be helpful The professional’s go-to digital forensics resource for countering attacks right now Today, cybersecurity and networking professionals know they can’t possibly prevent every breach, but they can substantially reduce risk by quickly identifying and blocking breaches as they occur. Investigating the Cyber Breach: The Digital Forensics Guide for the Network Engineer is the first comprehensive guide to doing just that. Writing for working professionals, senior cybersecurity experts Joseph Muniz and Aamir Lakhani present up-to-the-minute techniques for hunting attackers, following their movements within networks, halting exfiltration of data and intellectual property, and collecting evidence for investigation and prosecution. You’ll learn how to make the most of today’s best open source and Cisco tools for cloning, data analytics, network and endpoint breach detection, case management, monitoring, analysis, and more. Unlike digital forensics books focused primarily on post-attack evidence gathering, this one offers complete coverage of tracking threats, improving intelligence, rooting out dormant malware, and responding effectively to breaches underway right now.This book is part of the Networking Technology: Security Series from Cisco Press®, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Lancom VPN Network Connectivity vRouter 50 - Abonnement-Lizenz
LANCOM VPN Network Connectivity vRouter 50 - Abonnement-Lizenz - 5 VPN-Tunnel, 50 Mbit/s Durchsatz, 2 ARF Netzwerke - Laufzeit
Preis: 127.05 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
ALE Network for SMB ACFE - Online Examen
ALCATEL-LUCENT ENTERPRISE Network SMB ACFE Zertifizierung - Online Exam. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise präsentiert einen grundlegenden Schulungskurs, der speziell für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen entwickelt wurde, die ihre Netzwerkfähigkeiten verbessern möchten. Der ACFE-Zertifizierungskurs "Network for SMB" ist eine kurze, 30-minütige Online-Prüfung, die Ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten effizient bewertet und einen schnellen Weg zur Zertifizierung bietet. Dieser Kurs ist ideal für Personen, die ihre Fachkenntnisse im Bereich der KMU-Netzwerke bestätigen möchten, ohne viel Zeit für das Studium aufwenden zu müssen. Dank des Online-Formats können sich die Teilnehmer flexibel vorbereiten und die Prüfung von jedem beliebigen Ort aus ablegen, was eine bequeme Option für Berufstätige mit vollen Terminkalendern darstellt. Erreichen Sie Ihre ACFE-Zertifizierung und bringen Sie Ihre Karriere mit diesem gezielten und zugänglichen Kurs voran. - Telekommunikation, UCC & Wearables PBX Lösungen PBX System Software & licenses - ALE Network for SMB ACFE - Online Examen
Preis: 201.35 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
Kennt jemand eine gute Zusammenfassung von "The Network"?
"The Network" ist ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 1976, der die Geschichte des Fernsehnetzwerks UBS und seines Nachrichtensprechers Howard Beale erzählt. Der Film zeigt, wie Beale aufgrund seiner emotionalen Ausbrüche und seiner populistischen Rhetorik zum Star des Senders wird, während die Führungsebene des Netzwerks seine Popularität für ihre eigenen Zwecke ausnutzt. "The Network" ist eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Kommerzialisierung der Medien und der Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung.
Was bedeutet das bei PlayStation Network?
Es tut mir leid, aber ohne weitere Informationen kann ich Ihre Frage nicht beantworten. Bitte geben Sie mehr Kontext oder Details an, damit ich Ihnen weiterhelfen kann.
Anime Digital Network ist ein Streaming-Dienst, der sich auf Anime-Inhalte spezialisiert hat.
Anime Digital Network ist eine Plattform, die sich auf das Streaming von Anime-Inhalten spezialisiert hat. Sie bietet eine Vielzahl von Anime-Serien und -Filmen für Anime-Fans an. Nutzer können auf der Plattform ihre Lieblings-Anime-Inhalte legal und in hoher Qualität streamen. Anime Digital Network ist eine beliebte Anlaufstelle für Anime-Liebhaber, um ihre Lieblingsserien zu genießen.
Wie steht ihr zum Network Marketing?
Als KI können wir keine persönlichen Meinungen haben. Network Marketing ist eine Geschäftsmethode, bei der Produkte oder Dienstleistungen über ein Netzwerk von Vertriebspartnern vermarktet werden. Es gibt sowohl Befürworter als auch Kritiker dieser Methode, da sie sowohl Chancen als auch Risiken mit sich bringen kann. Es ist wichtig, die Vor- und Nachteile sorgfältig abzuwägen und sich gründlich zu informieren, bevor man sich für oder gegen Network Marketing entscheidet.
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Cisco Digital Network Architecture: Intent-based Networking for the Enterprise
The complete guide to transforming enterprise networks with Cisco DNA As networks become more complex and dynamic, organizations need better ways to manage and secure them. With the Cisco Digital Network Architecture, network operators can run entire network fabrics as a single, programmable system by defining rules that span their devices and move with their users. Using Cisco intent-based networking, you spend less time programming devices, managing configurations, and troubleshooting problems so you have more time for driving value from your network, your applications, and most of all, your users. This guide systematically introduces Cisco DNA, highlighting its business value propositions, design philosophy, tenets, blueprints, components, and solutions.Combining insider information with content previously scattered through multiple technical documents, it provides a single source for evaluation, planning, implementation, and operation. The authors bring together authoritative insights for multiple business and technical audiences. Senior executives will learn how DNA can help them drive digital transformation for competitive advantage. Technical decision-makers will discover powerful emerging solutions for their specific needs. Architects will find essential recommendations, interdependencies, and caveats for planning deployments. Finally, network operators will learn how to use DNA Center’s modern interface to streamline, automate, and improve virtually any network management task. · Accelerate the digital transformation of your business by adopting an intent-based network architecture that is open, extensible, and programmable · Integrate virtualization, automation, analytics, and cloud services to streamline operations and create new business opportunities · Dive deep into hardware, software, and protocol innovations that lay the programmable infrastructure foundation for DNA · Virtualize advanced network functions for fast, easy, and flexible deployments · Translate business intent into device configurations and simplify, scale, and automate network operations using controllers · Use analytics to tune performance, plan capacity, prevent threats, and simplify troubleshooting · Learn how Software-Defined Access improves network flexibility, security, mobility, visibility, and performance · Use DNA Assurance to track the health of clients, network devices, and applications to reveal hundreds of actionable insights · See how DNA Application Policy supports granular application recognition and end-to-end treatment, for even encrypted applications · Identify malware, ransomware, and other threats in encrypted traffic
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Cartoon Network Hotel
Preis: 113 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Network Management Fundamentals
Network Management Fundamentals A guide to understanding how network management technology really works Alexander Clemm, Ph.D. Network management is an essential factor in successfully operating a network. As a company becomes increasingly dependent on networking services, keeping those services running is synonymous with keeping the business running. Network Management Fundamentals provides you with an accessible overview of network management covering management not just of networks themselves but also of services running over those networks. Network Management Fundamentals explains the different technologies that are used in network management and how they relate to each other. The book focuses on fundamental concepts and principles. It provides a solid technical foundation for the practitioner to successfully navigate network management topics and apply those concepts to particular situations. The book is divided into four parts: Part I provides an overview of what network management is about and why it is relevant. It also conveys an informal understanding of the functions, tools, and activities that are associated with it. Part II examines network management from several different angles, culminating in a discussion of how these aspects are combined into management reference models. Part III provides more detail into different building blocks of network management introduced in Part II, such as management protocols, management organization, and management communication patterns. Part IV rounds out the book with a number of management topics of general interest, including management integration and service-level management. Dr. Alexander Clemm is a senior architect with Cisco®. He has been involved with integrated management of networked systems and services since 1990. He has provided technical leadership for many leading-edge network management development, architecture, and engineering efforts from original conception to delivery to the customer, and he has also served as technical program co-chair of the 2005 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management. Grasp the business implications of network management Examine different management reference models, such as Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security (FCAPS) Understand the building blocks of network management and their purposes Assess the implications and impact of management technologies and put them in perspective Prepare for decisions about network management that require an understanding of the “big picture” This book is part of the Cisco Press® Fundamentals Series. Books in this series introduce networking professionals to new networking technologies, covering network topologies, example deployment concepts, protocols, and management techniques. Category: Networking Covers: Network Management
Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Network Security Architectures
Expert guidance on designing secure networks Understand security best practices and how to take advantage of the networking gear you already have Review designs for campus, edge, and teleworker networks of varying sizes Learn design considerations for device hardening, Layer 2 and Layer 3 security issues, denial of service, IPsec VPNs, and network identity Understand security design considerations for common applications such as DNS, mail, and web Identify the key security roles and placement issues for network security elements such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, VPN gateways, content filtering, as well as for traditional network infrastructure devices such as routers and switches Learn 10 critical steps to designing a security system for your network Examine secure network management designs that allow your management communications to be secure while still maintaining maximum utility Try your hand at security design with three included case studies Benefit from the experience of the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint Written by the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint, Network Security Architectures is your comprehensive how-to guide to designing and implementing a secure network. Whether your background is security or networking, you can use this book to learn how to bridge the gap between a highly available, efficient network and one that strives to maximize security. The included secure network design techniques focus on making network and security technologies work together as a unified system rather than as isolated systems deployed in an ad-hoc way. Beginning where other security books leave off, Network Security Architectures shows you how the various technologies that make up a security system can be used together to improve your network's security. The technologies and best practices you'll find within are not restricted to a single vendor but broadly apply to virtually any network system. This book discusses the whys and hows of security, from threats and counter measures to how to set up your security policy to mesh with your network architecture. After learning detailed security best practices covering everything from Layer 2 security to e-commerce design, you'll see how to apply the best practices to your network and learn to design your own security system to incorporate the requirements of your security policy. You'll review detailed designs that deal with today's threats through applying defense-in-depth techniques and work through case studies to find out how to modify the designs to address the unique considerations found in your network. Whether you are a network or security engineer, Network Security Architectures will become your primary reference for designing and building a secure network. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ist Network Marketing eine gute Idee?
Die Frage, ob Network Marketing eine gute Idee ist, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Es kann eine gute Möglichkeit sein, ein eigenes Geschäft aufzubauen und finanzielle Freiheit zu erreichen, aber es erfordert auch viel Arbeit, Engagement und die Fähigkeit, andere zu überzeugen. Es ist wichtig, das Unternehmen und das Produkt gründlich zu recherchieren und sich über die Risiken und Chancen im Klaren zu sein, bevor man sich für Network Marketing entscheidet.
Warum wurden Sie vom PlayStation Network abgemeldet?
Als KI habe ich keinen Zugriff auf persönliche Informationen oder Konten. Ich kann nicht sagen, warum Sie vom PlayStation Network abgemeldet wurden. Es wäre am besten, sich direkt an den PlayStation-Support zu wenden, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.
Lohnt es sich, einen Network Switch anzuschaffen?
Die Anschaffung eines Network Switches kann sich lohnen, wenn Sie ein Netzwerk mit mehreren Geräten haben und eine zuverlässige und schnelle Verbindung benötigen. Ein Switch ermöglicht es, Datenpakete effizient zwischen den Geräten zu verteilen und kann die Netzwerkgeschwindigkeit verbessern. Es ist auch nützlich, um die Netzwerkverwaltung zu vereinfachen und die Sicherheit zu erhöhen.
Ist Network Marketing eine sichere Sache?
Network Marketing kann eine lukrative Möglichkeit sein, Geld zu verdienen, aber es gibt auch Risiken. Es hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie dem Unternehmen, dem Produkt und der eigenen Fähigkeit, ein Netzwerk aufzubauen. Es ist wichtig, gründliche Recherchen anzustellen und sich über die Risiken und Chancen des jeweiligen Network-Marketing-Unternehmens zu informieren, bevor man sich darauf einlässt.
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