Produkt zum Begriff Security:
Network Security with Netflow and IPFIX: Big Data Analytics for Information Security
A comprehensive guide for deploying, configuring, and troubleshooting NetFlow and learning big data analytics technologies for cyber security Today’s world of network security is full of cyber security vulnerabilities, incidents, breaches, and many headaches. Visibility into the network is an indispensable tool for network and security professionals and Cisco NetFlow creates an environment where network administrators and security professionals have the tools to understand who, what, when, where, and how network traffic is flowing. Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX is a key resource for introducing yourself to and understanding the power behind the Cisco NetFlow solution. Omar Santos, a Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) technical leader and author of numerous books including the CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide, details the importance of NetFlow and demonstrates how it can be used by large enterprises and small-to-medium-sized businesses to meet critical network challenges. This book also examines NetFlow’s potential as a powerful network security tool. Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX explores everything you need to know to fully understand and implement the Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution. It also provides detailed configuration and troubleshooting guidance, sample configurations with depth analysis of design scenarios in every chapter, and detailed case studies with real-life scenarios. You can follow Omar on Twitter: @santosomar NetFlow and IPFIX basics Cisco NetFlow versions and features Cisco Flexible NetFlow NetFlow Commercial and Open Source Software Packages Big Data Analytics tools and technologies such as Hadoop, Flume, Kafka, Storm, Hive, HBase, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Additional Telemetry Sources for Big Data Analytics for Cyber Security Understanding big data scalability Big data analytics in the Internet of everything Cisco Cyber Threat Defense and NetFlow Troubleshooting NetFlow Real-world case studies
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Kaspersky Internet Security + Internet Security for Android
LizenzTyp: Antivirus-SicherheitSoftware-Typ: BoxLizenztyp: BasisAnzahl Lizenzen: 1 Lizenz(en)SystemanforderungMin. benötigter Speicherplattenplatz: 1500 MBMin. benötigter RAM: 1024 MBUnterstützt Windows-Betriebssysteme: Windows 10. Windows 7. Windows 8. Windows 8.1Unterstützt Mac-Betriebssysteme: Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra. Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra. Mac OS X 10.14 MojaveUnterstützte mobile Betriebssysteme: Android 4.4. Android 5.0. Android 5.1. Android 6.0. Android 7.0. Android 7.1. Android 8.0. Android 9.0Eigenschaft: 64-Bit Computing - Software Box Software - Kaspersky Internet Security + Internet Security for Android
Preis: 15.93 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Network Security Architectures
Expert guidance on designing secure networks Understand security best practices and how to take advantage of the networking gear you already have Review designs for campus, edge, and teleworker networks of varying sizes Learn design considerations for device hardening, Layer 2 and Layer 3 security issues, denial of service, IPsec VPNs, and network identity Understand security design considerations for common applications such as DNS, mail, and web Identify the key security roles and placement issues for network security elements such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, VPN gateways, content filtering, as well as for traditional network infrastructure devices such as routers and switches Learn 10 critical steps to designing a security system for your network Examine secure network management designs that allow your management communications to be secure while still maintaining maximum utility Try your hand at security design with three included case studies Benefit from the experience of the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint Written by the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint, Network Security Architectures is your comprehensive how-to guide to designing and implementing a secure network. Whether your background is security or networking, you can use this book to learn how to bridge the gap between a highly available, efficient network and one that strives to maximize security. The included secure network design techniques focus on making network and security technologies work together as a unified system rather than as isolated systems deployed in an ad-hoc way. Beginning where other security books leave off, Network Security Architectures shows you how the various technologies that make up a security system can be used together to improve your network's security. The technologies and best practices you'll find within are not restricted to a single vendor but broadly apply to virtually any network system. This book discusses the whys and hows of security, from threats and counter measures to how to set up your security policy to mesh with your network architecture. After learning detailed security best practices covering everything from Layer 2 security to e-commerce design, you'll see how to apply the best practices to your network and learn to design your own security system to incorporate the requirements of your security policy. You'll review detailed designs that deal with today's threats through applying defense-in-depth techniques and work through case studies to find out how to modify the designs to address the unique considerations found in your network. Whether you are a network or security engineer, Network Security Architectures will become your primary reference for designing and building a secure network. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Network Security Auditing
This complete new guide to auditing network security is an indispensable resource for security, network, and IT professionals, and for the consultants and technology partners who serve them. Cisco network security expert Chris Jackson begins with a thorough overview of the auditing process, including coverage of the latest regulations, compliance issues, and industry best practices. The author then demonstrates how to segment security architectures into domains and measure security effectiveness through a comprehensive systems approach. Network Security Auditing thoroughly covers the use of both commercial and open source tools to assist in auditing and validating security policy assumptions. The book also introduces leading IT governance frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL, and ISO 17799/27001, explaining their values, usages, and effective integrations with Cisco security products. This book arms you with detailed auditing checklists for each domain, realistic design insights for meeting auditing requirements, and practical guidance for using complementary solutions to improve any company’s security posture. Master the five pillars of security auditing: assessment, prevention, detection, reaction, and recovery. Recognize the foundational roles of security policies, procedures, and standards. Understand current laws related to hacking, cracking, fraud, intellectual property, spam, and reporting. Analyze security governance, including the roles of CXOs, security directors, administrators, users, and auditors. Evaluate people, processes, and technical security controls through a system-based approach. Audit security services enabled through Cisco products. Analyze security policy and compliance requirements for Cisco networks. Assess infrastructure security and intrusion prevention systems. Audit network access control and secure remote access systems. Review security in clients, hosts, and IP communications. Evaluate the performance of security monitoring and management systems. This security book is part of the Cisco Press Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end, self-defending networks.
Preis: 42.79 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ist Norton Internet Security gefährlich?
Nein, Norton Internet Security ist keine gefährliche Software. Es handelt sich um eine Sicherheitslösung, die entwickelt wurde, um Benutzer vor Viren, Malware und anderen Bedrohungen zu schützen. Wie bei jeder Software kann es jedoch zu Fehlfunktionen oder Kompatibilitätsproblemen kommen, daher ist es wichtig, regelmäßige Updates durchzuführen und sicherzustellen, dass die Software ordnungsgemäß konfiguriert ist.
Welche Norton Internet Security Version habe ich?
Um herauszufinden, welche Version von Norton Internet Security du hast, kannst du auf das Norton-Symbol in der Taskleiste klicken und dann auf "Über" oder "Info" klicken. Dort solltest du die genaue Versionsnummer sehen können. Alternativ kannst du auch in den Einstellungen oder im Hilfebereich der Software nach der Versionsnummer suchen. Es ist wichtig, die genaue Version zu kennen, da ältere Versionen möglicherweise nicht mehr den aktuellen Sicherheitsstandards entsprechen und möglicherweise nicht mehr unterstützt werden. Es wird empfohlen, regelmäßig nach Updates zu suchen und sicherzustellen, dass du die neueste Version von Norton Internet Security verwendest, um optimalen Schutz vor Bedrohungen aus dem Internet zu gewährleisten.
Was kostet die Verlängerung von Norton Internet Security?
Die Kosten für die Verlängerung von Norton Internet Security können je nach Abonnementdauer und Anbieter variieren. Es ist ratsam, sich direkt an Norton oder autorisierte Händler zu wenden, um genaue Preise zu erhalten. Normalerweise bieten sie verschiedene Verlängerungsoptionen an, wie beispielsweise jährliche oder mehrjährige Abonnements. Es ist wichtig, regelmäßig die Verlängerung des Virenschutzprogramms durchzuführen, um kontinuierlichen Schutz für Ihre Geräte zu gewährleisten. Hast du bereits Kontakt mit Norton oder einem autorisierten Händler aufgenommen, um die genauen Kosten für die Verlängerung von Norton Internet Security zu erfragen?
Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen Antivirus und Internet Security?
Der Hauptunterschied zwischen Antivirus und Internet Security besteht darin, dass Antivirus-Software in erster Linie darauf abzielt, schädliche Viren und Malware zu erkennen und zu entfernen. Internet Security hingegen bietet zusätzliche Funktionen wie Firewall, Spam-Filter und Kindersicherung, um den Benutzer vor einer breiteren Palette von Bedrohungen im Internet zu schützen. Internet Security bietet also einen umfassenderen Schutz für den Benutzer, während Antivirus sich auf die Erkennung und Entfernung von Viren konzentriert.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Security:
Designing Network Security
A practical guide to creating a secure network infrastructure Understand basic cryptography and security technologies Identify the threats and common attacks to a network infrastructure Learn how to create a security policy Find out how to recover from a security breach Study specific implementation scenarios for securing your network environment Learn about advances in security technologies Designing Network Security, Second Edition, is a practical guide designed to help you understand the fundamentals of securing your corporate network infrastructure. This book takes a comprehensive look at underlying security technologies, the process of creating a security policy, and the practical requirements necessary to implement a corporate security policy. You will gain a thorough understanding of basic cryptography, the most widely deployed security technologies, and key emerging security technologies. You will be able to guide the architecture and implementation of a security policy for a corporate environment by knowing possible threats and vulnerabilities and understanding the steps required to perform a risk management assessment. Through the use of specific configuration examples, you will learn about the features required in network infrastructure equipment to implement the given security policy, including securing the internal corporate infrastructure, Internet access, and the remote access environment. This new edition includes coverage of new security features including SSH on routers, switches, and the PIX(r) Firewall; enhancements to L2TP and IPSec; Cisco(r) LEAP for wireless networks; digital certificates; advanced AAA functionality; and Cisco Intrusion Detection System features and products. Additional practical examples include current security trends using VPN, wireless, and VoIP networking examples. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press(r), which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 € -
ESET Cyber Security
Basis Virenschutz für Ihren Mac mit ESET Schnelle und leistungsstarke Sicherheit vor allen Arten von Malware. Schützt macOS-, Windows- und Linux-Geräte. Leistungsstarker Schutz ohne Leistungsverlust. Genießen Sie Ihre Filme und Fotos online ohne lästige Unterbrechungen. Umfassende Sicherheit und Privatsphäre online mithilfe des ESET Cyber Security. Ihre Sicherheit im Internet Schützt Sie vor allen Arten von Malware (z. B. Viren, Ransomware, Würmer und Spyware). Spitzenleistung für Ihren Mac Verlassen Sie sich auf die gewohnte Leistung Ihres Macs - ob beim Arbeiten, Spielen oder Surfen. Die virtuelle Welt mit all ihren Möglichkeiten liegt in Ihrer Hand. Installieren und vergessen Einfach zu installieren, zu erneuern und zu aktualisieren. Unsere Sicherheitslösung wurde speziell für die täglichen Routineaufgaben entwickelt : Funktionen ESET Cyber Security Erweiterte Einstellungen Erfahrene Nutzer können den Schutz nach ihren Bedürfnissen einstellen und z. B. individuelle Scan-Zeiten festlegen. Lösung mit einem Klick Zeigt jederzeit den Status Ihres Schutzes an und stellt die am häufigsten verwendeten Tools auf allen Bildschirmen zur Verfügung. Lösen Sie potenzielle Probleme mit nur einem Klick. Bekanntes Design Die Struktur der Benutzeroberfläche entspricht dem üblichen Mac-Layout, die Funktionen werden schnell gefunden und ihre Nutzung ist intim. Vergleich ESET Cyber Security Pro und ESET Cyber Security Funktionen ESET Cyber Security Pro ESET Cyber Security Schutz für MacOS ✔️ ✔️ Ausgezeichneter Virenschutz Für entspanntes Surfen im Netz ✔️ ✔️ Schutz vor Cyberattacken Umfassender Schutz für Sie und Ihre Daten ✔️ ✔️ Schutz vor Hackern Sicherheit für Ihren Rechner ✔️ ❌ Heimnetzwerk-Schutz Umfassender Schutz für Ihre Geräte ✔️ ❌ Schutz für Windows ✔️ ✔️ Schutz für Android ✔️ ❌ Systemanforderungen für ESET Cyber Security MAC macOS 12 (Monterey), macOS 11 (Big Sur), macOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 10.14 (Mojave), macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.12.x (Sierra) WINDOWS Microsoft Windows® 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 mit SP1 und den aktuellen KB-Updates
Preis: 30.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Network Security with Netflow and IPFIX: Big Data Analytics for Information Security
A comprehensive guide for deploying, configuring, and troubleshooting NetFlow and learning big data analytics technologies for cyber security Today’s world of network security is full of cyber security vulnerabilities, incidents, breaches, and many headaches. Visibility into the network is an indispensable tool for network and security professionals and Cisco NetFlow creates an environment where network administrators and security professionals have the tools to understand who, what, when, where, and how network traffic is flowing. Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX is a key resource for introducing yourself to and understanding the power behind the Cisco NetFlow solution. Omar Santos, a Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) technical leader and author of numerous books including the CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide, details the importance of NetFlow and demonstrates how it can be used by large enterprises and small-to-medium-sized businesses to meet critical network challenges. This book also examines NetFlow’s potential as a powerful network security tool. Network Security with NetFlow and IPFIX explores everything you need to know to fully understand and implement the Cisco Cyber Threat Defense Solution. It also provides detailed configuration and troubleshooting guidance, sample configurations with depth analysis of design scenarios in every chapter, and detailed case studies with real-life scenarios. You can follow Omar on Twitter: @santosomar NetFlow and IPFIX basics Cisco NetFlow versions and features Cisco Flexible NetFlow NetFlow Commercial and Open Source Software Packages Big Data Analytics tools and technologies such as Hadoop, Flume, Kafka, Storm, Hive, HBase, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Additional Telemetry Sources for Big Data Analytics for Cyber Security Understanding big data scalability Big data analytics in the Internet of everything Cisco Cyber Threat Defense and NetFlow Troubleshooting NetFlow Real-world case studies
Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Network Security Architectures
Expert guidance on designing secure networks Understand security best practices and how to take advantage of the networking gear you already have Review designs for campus, edge, and teleworker networks of varying sizes Learn design considerations for device hardening, Layer 2 and Layer 3 security issues, denial of service, IPsec VPNs, and network identity Understand security design considerations for common applications such as DNS, mail, and web Identify the key security roles and placement issues for network security elements such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, VPN gateways, content filtering, as well as for traditional network infrastructure devices such as routers and switches Learn 10 critical steps to designing a security system for your network Examine secure network management designs that allow your management communications to be secure while still maintaining maximum utility Try your hand at security design with three included case studies Benefit from the experience of the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint Written by the principal architect of the original Cisco Systems SAFE Security Blueprint, Network Security Architectures is your comprehensive how-to guide to designing and implementing a secure network. Whether your background is security or networking, you can use this book to learn how to bridge the gap between a highly available, efficient network and one that strives to maximize security. The included secure network design techniques focus on making network and security technologies work together as a unified system rather than as isolated systems deployed in an ad-hoc way. Beginning where other security books leave off, Network Security Architectures shows you how the various technologies that make up a security system can be used together to improve your network's security. The technologies and best practices you'll find within are not restricted to a single vendor but broadly apply to virtually any network system. This book discusses the whys and hows of security, from threats and counter measures to how to set up your security policy to mesh with your network architecture. After learning detailed security best practices covering everything from Layer 2 security to e-commerce design, you'll see how to apply the best practices to your network and learn to design your own security system to incorporate the requirements of your security policy. You'll review detailed designs that deal with today's threats through applying defense-in-depth techniques and work through case studies to find out how to modify the designs to address the unique considerations found in your network. Whether you are a network or security engineer, Network Security Architectures will become your primary reference for designing and building a secure network. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
Preis: 46 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was bedeutet der Fehlercode 0xe0060007 bei AVG Internet Security?
Der Fehlercode 0xe0060007 bei AVG Internet Security deutet darauf hin, dass ein Problem bei der Installation oder Aktualisierung der Software aufgetreten ist. Es kann verschiedene Ursachen haben, wie zum Beispiel eine fehlerhafte Datei oder eine Inkompatibilität mit anderen Programmen auf dem System. Es wird empfohlen, den Support von AVG zu kontaktieren, um weitere Unterstützung bei der Fehlerbehebung zu erhalten.
Verlängert sich die Testversion von Kaspersky Internet Security Android automatisch?
Nein, die Testversion von Kaspersky Internet Security für Android verlängert sich nicht automatisch. Nach Ablauf der Testphase müssen Sie eine kostenpflichtige Lizenz erwerben, um den vollen Funktionsumfang der Software weiterhin nutzen zu können.
Was passiert, wenn man Kaspersky Internet Security auf 2 von 3 PCs installiert?
Wenn Sie Kaspersky Internet Security auf 2 von 3 PCs installieren, werden diese beiden PCs vor Online-Bedrohungen geschützt, während der dritte PC ungeschützt bleibt. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie Kaspersky Internet Security auf allen Ihren Geräten installieren, um einen umfassenden Schutz zu gewährleisten.
Ist Security Master schädlich für mein Handy?
Security Master ist eine Sicherheits-App, die entwickelt wurde, um dein Handy vor Viren, Malware und anderen Bedrohungen zu schützen. Solange du die App aus einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle herunterlädst und sie regelmäßig aktualisierst, sollte sie dein Handy nicht schädigen. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass Sicherheits-Apps allein nicht ausreichen, um dein Handy vollständig zu schützen. Du solltest auch andere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie das Herunterladen von Apps aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen und das Aktualisieren deines Betriebssystems durchführen.
* Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und ggf. zuzüglich Versandkosten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Shops und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass es im Einzelfall zu Abweichungen kommen kann.